Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Bad

The ARCs (advance reader copies) of my upcoming book were waiting for me in Dallas. I love opening the box and seeing them for the first time. I had my camera handy and took a shot. Wow.

I didn't get a chance to look inside until that evening after I'd signed all but two of them away to librarians at the conference and when I did, I was horrified. In seven places, three words had been run together with no spaces between. I was sure I couldn't have done that and the editor wouldn't have missed it if I did. So there must be something wrong with the formating done by Five Star or by the company that prints the ARCs. I fired off an email to Tiffany at Five Star. What happened? Then . . . I checked the edited copy of the original manuscript.

My bad!

In every case, I had done it myself. I had gone back and changed seven hyphenated words to compound words and, in doing so, deleted not only the hyphen but the space at the beginning of the word. I suppose I was on a mission to eradicate hyphens although I don't recall ever being that mad at them.

Five Star says they can fix it before the hardcover copies are printed so all's well that ends well.



  1. Those things happen. I was reading my ARCs for When Danger Calls and despite all the eyes on the project, the first time the head of Blackthorne, Inc. showed up on the page, I'd written his name as Blackstone. The rest of them were correct, but I couldn't believe I'd made the mistake. Sure enough, in the final draft manuscript, there he was. But that's what ARCs are for---finding those glitches so they don't end up in the final book.

    Terry's Place
    Romance with a Twist--of Mystery

  2. It's nice to know I'm not the only one! Thanks. maria
